
Natural Birth

For the majority of expectant mothers, natural birth is not only possible but desired.

Should you wish to give birth naturally, we will fully support you in your decision and under no circumstances discourage you from it. It is a fact that the rate of Cesarean births (C-sections) is on the rise; nevertheless, there is absolutely no reason you should be anxious about the birth of your baby.

At minimum, you should be aware of the following points:

  • The time of labor is difficult to predict, as it can occur any time between week 37 and 42 of pregnancy.
  • Should there be any problems during the delivery, a C-section may become necessary.
  • Perineal tear is possible, yet in most cases this heals without subsequent problems.
  • An epidural is a feasible method of countering labor pain.

You wish to have a C-section birth? Seefeld Gynecology provides full support from decision to birth. Our partner clinics are Hirslanden and Bethanien hospital in Zurich.

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